Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Day 5: Collaborative Sites


Visibility: pedagogy

Remove the barriers to learners and their whanau. 
We have done this to a small degree at CTS, but nowhere near the degree that Manaiakalani suggests. However, we are on the path to getting there... 


Multimodal - Learning in the 21st Century

Google Sites

A picture speaks a thousands words. I am incorporating multimodal forms of communications within my teaching, but look forward to exploring this further. 

My first Google Site (okay, admittedly I have started my class one, but that was all copied and pasted for me. This one shows I'm beginning to explore and understand the development of a site. Only just, but feel more confident to explore and have a play round with it already.)...

(It is incomplete, but it's a start)


  1. Kia ora Karla,
    Love the start of your site for Māui me te ra - the tip that you've got on there about how to increase the size of the text would be really helpful for people new to accessing content on sites, it could be good to put that alongside the pdf rather than under it as I almost didn't spot it.

  2. Hi Karla

    I really like your multi-modal brainstorm graphic, that could be an excellent way to present resources to students on your site. The images could be links or buttons giving them choice around what they want to dive into deeper, a video, an image, some text. Hmmm, well worth developing that idea 👍

    I like your marigold image too. I think it would look even more vibrant if you made the image large enough to fill your blog post.

    1. Great suggestion about using this layout as a way to present resources. Thank you!
