Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Digital Fluency Intensive Day 1: Core Business


Day one of the Digital Intensive Fluency (DFI) course - 15 Oct 2021. 

Admittedly, although excited to start the course, I was also apprehensive; unsure of what to expect and if I would keep up. Any doubts were soon washed away as the information was clearly structured and accessable, and the break-out groups provided a comfortable space to ask questions and share ideas.


In the beginning...

The growth of Maniakalani, developed out of a need to support schools, community, whānau and ākonga faced with socio-economic obstacles, helped clarify it's goals and intentions: Making 21 Century learning accessible; providing engaging, authentic and purposeful learning experiences, encouraging student agency; and raising student achievement. Access to technology and digital fluency is a key factor in achieving this. 

Development as a professional and in my personal life

It's nice to feel oneself capable, it's even better to build and develop that capability and recognise the value of being a learner. Even the simple knowledge of a shortcut (command K to add a link) or how to add a colour to a folder in Drive, all add to achieving things faster, organising better, and building confidence when technology often seems one step ahead. 

Exploring how to use Google Docs creatively and efficiently was extremely helpful, and will create a more positive work and home experience when using Google Docs; less labourious and more engaging. 

For my learners

The tools and shortcuts today will also support my learners. 
The voice typing tool is already used in my classroom to support students with, for example, autism or dyslexia. Voice typing to support reading mileage was a great idea to build upon this. 
Key shortcuts will help learners create more efficiently and help avoid stress. These include: 

To explore using Google Docs creatively to make a poster, or as a visual learning tool, I created a learning page for my ākonga based on Kaitiakitanga and awa: guardianship of our waters. Included were visuals and links to readings, audio, videos and research. Not only is this a great way to share resources and ideas, it is a tool students could use to bring together their ideas/research and share to others.

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